Color Harmony 2A Guide to Creative Color CombinationsColor Harmony 2 is an invaluable tool for anyone working with color. From graphic designers to interior decorators, from fashion designers to floral arrangers, this book can help anyone create effective color schemes for any project.Colors and color schemes matched to specific moods provide unique color and design possibilities. 12 basic hues with 94 tints and shades give over 1400 color combinations in single, two, and three-color schemes. Vivid color photographs illustrate many different color combinations. Color swatches and a color conversion chart assure easy and accurate color matching. Easy-to-follow lessons in basic color theory.ペーパーバックサイズ 21×14.5㎝くらいAmazonで11,683円で販売されておりました(画像3枚目参照)経年劣化による劣化、ヤケ、汚れ、シミ等があります。ご理解の程ご購入お願いします。使用頂ける方へお譲りできたらうれしいです♪\r\r✅他にも英語本を出品しています♡\r#09英語本\r\r✅出品商品一覧♡\r#09商品一覧