全て動作確認済み。【付属品】本体ウパーブルー本体箱ウパーブルー本体の説明書類本体付属のパーティミニ本体付属のパーティミニ説明書ショックテトリスそだてやさんポケモンパズルコレクションvol2アニメカード大作戦 (説明書、箱、内箱付属)ポケモンピンボール(説明書、箱、内箱付属)ポケモンパズルコレクション(説明書、箱、内箱付属)バラ売り不可、値下げ交渉不可All operations have been checked.AccessoriesMain unit Upa BlueBox of the main unit: Upa BlueExplanation document of the main unitParty mini attached to the main unitParty Mini instruction manual included with the unitShock TetrisSodateya-sanPokemon Puzzle Collection vol2Anime Card Daisakusen (instruction manual, box, and inner box included)Pokemon Pinball (instruction manual, box, and inner box included)Pokemon Puzzle Collection (instruction manual, box, and inner box included)Not for sale in bulk, price negotiable